Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Mass of the Missionaries

Ever since I converted to the Church, I have always been interested in the martyrs.  I feel that to give your life for Christ is such a beautiful act of love for God which cannot be understood here on Earth.  Often in our parishes, during the Feast Day of these martyrs, their stories are told to the congregations.  Sadly, what gets left out is the fact that they received their strength from their reliance on God through the Sacred Liturgy. The Traditional Mass and the Traditional Office were their guides in their strenuous labors.  It was their connection to the Catholics of the past.  It was their connection to the missionaries that they read about when they were young.  

I have been delighted to see the FSSP and the ICKSP among others carrying on this legacy.    How sublime must it be for a Traditional Priest when he says "Introibo Ad Altare Dei..." every morning or when he starts Lauds with " Deus in adiutórium meum inténde...".   He may be sick, poor, and maybe even his missionary work seems to be failing, yet armed with the Traditional Liturgy he follows others who came before him doing the work which the Lord has called him to do.   

May the Lord continue to give many graces to traditional societies and may the Traditional Liturgy grow into the hearts of present and future Catholics. 

12 November 2015
Feast of St. Martin
Pope and Martyr