Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Haereticum hominem post unam et secundam correptionem devita

Living in California, I used to be surprised when I saw some building on the street proclaiming themselves as "Iglesia de Cristo".  Now, however, I am not shocked and am used to seeing these stupid signs across the city.  Protestantism is a heresy and henceforth the father of the movement is the Devil himself.  Satan hates Christ and hates His Bride, the Church and hence attempts to confuse the faithful with many means.  One of these means is by poisoning the minds of those who are simple with the deadly poison of heresy.  Most of those who attend these Hispanic dominated Protestant meetings are ex-Catholics who were completely ignorant of their Faith.  Leaving the Faith of their fathers, the Faith that will bring them salvation, they leave to become Protestant heretics.  Not only this, but they are extremely vocal about this and sway more naive family members to leave the Church to enter their heretical movement.  This Satanic plan has been going on for a while and one can simply look at the statistics of the religious demographics in Latin America which was once a bastion for the Catholic Faith.

My fellow Catholics, we may be the greatest of sinners however let us pray to the Holy Trinity that we never leave our Holy Faith to become heretics.  For only the man who perserves to the end will be saved.

"In petra exaltavit me, et nunc exaltavit caput meum super inimicos meos. Circuivi, et immolavi in tabernaculo ejus hostiam vociferationis; cantabo, et psalmum dicam Domino."

23 June 2015
Vigil of the Nativity of the Forerunner  

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