Saturday, May 2, 2015

Warmer weather and immodesty

In Los Angeles, I must confess, one can say that we really do not have a "winter" season.  Yes, officially there is one but our winter's would make anyone who does not live here to chuckle.  A day in the high fifties/low sixties would be considered to be cold!  Now that we are in spring, the weather is even warmer.

However, what is not a chuckling matter is that even though many consider our weather to be a blessing, the warmer weather added to the general state of sin in this city adds together to create a hazardous situation.  So many women (and girls, unfortunately) feel to need to wear incredibly immodest clothing.  Not only is this detrimental for them but it also harmful for all the men who battling daily in the pursuit of Holy Purity.  How many souls will/have gone to hell because of this type of behavior? Do we not see that true beauty is seen the person who is modest and dresses modestly?

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.  Amen.

2 May 2015
Feast of St. Athanasius

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